Ceramic Amphora handmade,
hand-painted with the technique of aging.
Rough surface. Only for decoration.
26 cm height (10.24 inches) 15 cm (5.91 inches) diameter
Ceramic Amphora handmade, hand-painted IN GREECE with the technique of aging. Eco friendly color. 26 cm height (10.24 inches) 15 cm (5.91 inches) diameter. Rough surface. Only for decoration. FREE STANDARD SHIPPING. Handmade amphora, in the form of “ryto”, hand-painted with the technique of aging. On SIDE A the central image is the Dolphin. It is painted in beautiful colors, swims in a sea landscape. On the other side of the amphora, SIDE B the famous fresco from the palace of Knossos in Crete, the Rytofori. Two young men are holging amphora (ryto), propably they are giong to offer to the sanctuary.